
Discord code blocks color
Discord code blocks color

Now as we know to italicize the text we need to use one asterisk * and to bold the text we need to add two asterisks ** So here you learned the Discord bold feature of Discord text formatting.

  • “Hey Bob I am enjoying Discord with its amazing features, have a look at how to bold text in Discord.
  • discord code blocks color discord code blocks color

    What I will do now is I will add 2 asterisks ** before and after the text by pressing Shift+8 and send the message.So in the above message, I want to bold “How to bold text in Discord”.The message I want to send is “Hey Bob I am enjoying Discord with its amazing features, have a look at How to bold text in Discord”.Open the chat box of user with whom I want to chat.If I am chatting with someone and while sending my message I want to highlight some of my text in bold. This feature basically makes your selected text a little larger to look a bit different. When we type while chatting we want to highlight any words or sentences to show as a heading or main subject. Now let’s proceed to the second operator of Discord Bold # Discord Bold (B)īold is one of the most common and most used features while chatting with someone. So now we can quickly do italics in Discord by simply adding * after and before the text.

    discord code blocks color

    So now our sentence will look like “Hey Joe I am enjoying Discord have a look at how to do italics in Discord”.We will add 1 asterisk * after and before the selected text by pressing shift+8 which will be like *how to do italics in Discord”.So again if we want to focus on any specific word or phrase for ex:- I want to focus how to do italics in Discord in the sentence “Hey Joe I am enjoying Discord have a look at how to do italics in Discord”.While chatting if something seems to be important or offensive then please use italic text over there. Italic is basically used to prominence a specific word or phrase. # Italics Text ( I ) Discord Text Formatting If you don’t want to use Discord markdown simply add a backslash in front of your typed word or sentence.ĭiscord markdown contains a total of 6 operators, so let’s start learning with these operators and all about Discord Text formatting.

    discord code blocks color

    For example typing *I love Discord* will make it look like I love Discord Like to make it an italic simply add *or_ after the sentence or word. In order to use markdown you simply need to add character before and after the text to make it stylish. Know some facts about Discord Text Formattingĭiscord Markdown is a feature that allows you to style your text.

    Discord code blocks color